Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Movie I Have Chosen For My Review - 949 Words

The movie I have chosen for my review paper is Schindler s List. The film was directed and co-produced by Steven Spielberg. Schindler s List is an American made movie although it was filmed in Poland. I chose this movie because I am interested in history and in World War 2. The setting takes place primarily in Krakow, Poland during World War 2 (1939-1945). Poland was under German occupation at the time. The setting of the film shows us the Holocaust and the mistreatment of the Jews. This makes it of historical importance in understanding its social stratification value. It was especially important to Steven Spielberg because he is also Jewish and his family has direct ties to the Holocaust. The social stratification concepts I chose are social differentiation, social inequality, and the stratification systems. Specifically the slave and social class systems. Social Stratification is defined as â€Å"A form of inequality in which categories of people are systematically ranked in a h ierarchy on the basis of their access to scare but valued resources.† (Thompson, Hickey 199). Concepts of social stratification revolve around inequality, differential treatment, and unequal access to wealth, power, and prestige. The plot of the movie revolves around these concepts with the differential treatment of the Jews by the Nazi Germans. This is what makes these stratification concepts sociologically important. The plot shows how the Jews were stripped of their wealth, power, and prestige.Show MoreRelatedFinal Film Critique Paper: Hangover Part Iii1014 Words   |  5 PagesCritique: Hangover Part III I have chosen the Hangover 3, directed by Todd Phillips, to critique; it seems to be a very humorous movie from just watching this one clip. This movie is in the genre of comedy, it is being called the epic final of the â€Å"Wolf Pack†. 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