Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Environmental Ethics Good And Evil Essay - 1776 Words

Robert Spivey Cory Shaman Environmental Film 5 October 2016 Environmental Ethics Good and evil; right and wrong. What delineation separates these nexuses? How ought we act? What is our duty to uphold justice? These are the essential questions of morality and ethics, which tether us to humanity; to each other. Before any action may be morally justified, first we must ask ourselves â€Å"why?† Before we ask ourselves what we must do for the environment, first we must ask â€Å"why do we have these duties?† This essay will examine, through the philosophies of Immanuel Kant, Kantianism, and John Stuart Mill, Utilitarianism, why we have duties to the environment. Humanity is commonly thought to be an entity centralizing community. But even greater than the communities which humanity shares physically, humanity is a part of something higher: a moral community. In a moral community, through various qualifications, humanity is given moral positions allowing it to attain inalienable rights and subsequent duties. Most agree that humanity is inherently conside red in the moral community or has the potential to develop into the community, but what about the non-human world? Any argument of environmental ethics, in favor or against, must first inquire into who or what has a moral standing in the moral community. Differing views on the moral community, within Kant and Mill’s doctrines, explain varying philosophies on the extensions of environmental duties. Anthropocentrism is the concept whichShow MoreRelated Pollution and Environment Essay - Man Must Dominate Nature and the Environment1714 Words   |  7 Pagesobvious. Rather, they require further scrutiny to determine their validity. Hence, in this paper I analyze a common environmental claim: Everything natural has inherent value, and we should respect its right to exist. 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